About: Splooging, pantyhose and stockings, widely opened crevasses, rudeness, subordinated demeanour, dame dominance, strapon, mischievous mind, role plays, foot idolize, 3 way, gangbang, smoking, joi, expert boys and youthful folks with firm salami , hidden XXX cam, whips, SADISM & S/M, high stilettos
Fetishes: soles,anal,roleplay,stockingsnylons,deepthroat
Expertise: burst is the hottest for me 😀 Also roleplays and other kinds of stuff! i have no boundaries in my mind
Turnons: Splooging, stocking and stocking, wide open plumb holes, rudeness, subjugated behaviour, femdom, strap on dildo, horny mind, role plays, foot adore, 3some, gang-fuck, smoking, joi, experienced studs and youthfull guys with firm rod , spycam, whips, S/M & SADOMASOCHISM, high heels